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WfSpec Versioning

A WfSpec is a versioned resource. Each WfSpec is uniquely identified by its name (a String), its majorVersion (an auto-incremented number, managed by LittleHorse), and its revision (another auto-incremented number).

When you create a WfSpec with the same name as another previous WfSpec, LittleHorse will either increment the revision (if there are no "breaking changes") or increment the majorVersion and set revision to zero (if there are "breaking changes"). A "breaking change" in this regard is defined as changing either:

  • The set of required input variables to the WfSpec, or
  • The set of indexed searchable variables in the WfSpec.

When you run a WfSpec (thus creating a WfRun), you may optionally specify the version of the WfSpec that you wish to run. If you specify a specific version, then LittleHorse will run the WfSpec specified by the RunWf request. If no version number is provided, then LittleHorse will automatically run the latest version of the WfSpec with the provided name. For instructions on how this works in practice, please check out our Metadata Management docs.

This versioning scheme allows you to improve the business logic of your WfSpec without changing the client code that invokes the WfSpec: all your clients need to do is specify the name of their WfSpec, and the latest logic will be run transparently. Alternatively, you can "pin" your clients to run a specific version of your WfSpec.

Once a WfRun is launched with the WfSpec specified by (name "foo", version 123), the WfRun will always be associated with that specific version. In other words, deploying a new version of a WfSpec does not affect already-running WfRuns.

Future versions of LittleHorse will add an optional "on-the-fly" upgrade mechanism.