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VariableDef and Variable

A Variable in LittleHorse serves the same purpose as a variable in programming: it is a placeholder for a value that can be used in computation later. A VariableDef in LittleHorse defines a Variable. VariableDefs are mainly used in two places:

  • To define input variables in a TaskDef.
  • To define variables used in a ThreadSpec (part of a WfSpec).

In the API

A Variable is a searchable object in the LittleHorse API. It contains the name and value of a specific variable instance in a ThreadRun.

The `Variable has a composite ID defined as follows:

  1. The wfRunId, which is the ID of the associated WfRun.
  2. The threadRunNumber, which is the ID of the associated ThreadRun (since a Variable lives within a specific ThreadRun).
  3. The name, which is the name of the Variable.

The Variable object has a name, type, and a VariableValue.


Note that a VariableDef in itself is not a get-able object in the LittleHorse API; it is a sub-structure of other objects (generally TaskDef and WfSpec).

Variable Types

LittleHorse currently supports variables of the following types:


The INT variable type is stored as a 64-bit integer. The INT can be cast to a DOUBLE.


The DOUBLE variable type is a 64-bit floating point number. It can be cast to an INT.


The STR variable type is stored as a String. INT, DOUBLE, and BOOL variables can be cast to a STR.


A BOOL is a simple boolean switch.


The JSON_OBJ variable allows you to store complex objects in the JSON format. When using the Java and GoLang SDK's, the JSON_OBJ variable type is often used transparently to the user. For example, the Java Task Worker SDK can inspect your method signature and automatically deserialize an input variable into a POJO.


The JSON_ARR variable allows you to store collections of objects as a JSON array. The behavior is similar to the JSON_OBJ variable type.


The BYTES variable type allows you to store an arbitrary byte string.


The NULL variable type is used for Nodes that have no output, and for Variables that have not yet been initialized (for example, if their value is not provided when starting the ThreadRun).

Using Varibles


The VariableAssignment protobuf structure described in this section applies to the JSON WfSpec specification. The SDK's (eg. Java, Go, Python) abstract away the VariableAssignment when authoring a WfSpec. Nevertheless, it is useful to understand how it works.

Recall that a TASK node takes in multiple input variables. In the raw JSON WfSpec, you do this via what's called a VariableAssignment. The VariableAssignment is much the same as passing an argument to a function call in a programming language.

A VariableAssignment can specify the Variable Value to be used in one of the following three ways:

  • Pass in a literal value (eg. a STR or an INT).
  • Use a value from a Variable in your workflow.
  • A format_string, which takes in a raw string and then a list of VariableAssignments to fill in any parameters.

VariableAssignments are used in several places, including:

  • Passing inputs to a TASK node.
  • Acting as the left-hand-side and right-hand-side for conditional expressions.
  • Acting as the right-hand-side for variable mutations.

Mutating Variables

Upon the completion of any NodeRun (no matter what type of Node), you may specify a list of Variable Mutations for LittleHorse to execute. A VariableMutation requires the following information:

  • The name of the Variable to mutate (LHS).
  • The type of mutation.
  • The "right-hand-side" of the mutation (RHS).

We will unpack each of those sections in more detail below.

Selecting the Variable to Mutate

This is relatively straight forward--you only need to provide the name of the Variable that you wish to mutate. The named variable could belong to a parent (or grandparent) ThreadRun; the effect is the same.

For JSON_OBJ and JSON_ARR Variables, you can mutate a sub-object of the Variable by specifying a jsonPath.

Mutation Types

Each Variable Type supports different sets of mutations. They are all listed below:


This mutation simply copies the value of the RHS into the LHS Variable. It is supported for any Variable Type on the LHS, provided that the RHS type matches or can be cast to the type of the LHS.

You can use the ASSIGN mutation to set a key in a JSON_OBJ variable by using a jsonPath on the LHS, and you can likewise set a specific item of a JSON_ARR by using a jsonPath on the LHS.


This mutation adds the RHS to the LHS. It is supported for INT and DOUBLE.


This mutation subtracts the RHS from the LHS. It is supported for INT and DOUBLE.


This mutation is supported for the STR and JSON_ARR types. In the STR, the RHS is appended to the end of the LHS.

With a JSON_ARR, the RHS (which can be any type) is appended to the end of the list.


This mutation divides the LHS by the RHS. It is supported for INT and DOUBLE.


This mutation multiplies the LHS by the RHS. It is supported for INT and DOUBLE.


This mutation applies only to the JSON_ARR LHS. It removes all occurrences of the RHS (by equality) from the list.


This mutation applies only to the JSON_ARR LHS and an INT RHS. It removes the object at the index specified by the RHS.


THis mutation applies only to the JSON_OBJ LHS and a STR RHS. It removes the specified key from the Json object.

The Right-Hand-Side

Each mutation type is a "verb" which requires a right-hand-side "object".

The right-hand-side is simply another VariableAssignment: it can be just a literal value, or it can refer to another Variable in the workflow.

Example (Java SDK)

While this page is intended to be conceptual, the concepts become much clear with an example. In Java, here is how to mutate a sub-field of a JSON_OBJ variable. Let's say the json structure looks like:

"foo": 1,
"bar": "baz"

If we wanted to mutate the Variable by adding 2 to the foo field, we would do so as follows:

WFRunVariable myVar = wf.addVariable("my-var", VariableTypePb.JSON_OBJ);

// omitted: execute some tasks


Future versions of LittleHorse will allow you to optionally provide schemas for your Variables so as to validate mutations at WfSpec compile-time rather than at WfRun run-time.