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TaskDef and TaskRun

The execution of work is fundamental to any Workflow engine. A unit of work executed by a computer in LittleHorse is represented by the dual objects TaskDef and TaskRun.

A TaskDef is a LittleHorse API Object which defines a certain type of task that can be executed by a computer. A TaskRun is a LittleHorse API Object representing an instance of such a task being executed by a computer as part of a WfRun.

In the API

A TaskDef's ID in the API is simply its name. Only one TaskDef of a given name can exist at any time.

a TaskRun's ID in the API is a composite ID, consisting of:

  • The ID of its WfRun
  • A guid.

A WfSpec might have a Node of type TASK. Such a Node will have a taskDefName field on it which points to a TaskDef.

When a WfRun reaches a TASK Node, a TaskRun is created. The associatd NodeRun will have a task field, containing the ID of the associated TaskRun. The status of the NodeRun will mirror the status of the associated TaskRun.

TaskRun LifeCycle

When a TaskRun is created, the LH Server first assigns the input_variables for that TaskRun. The input_variables of the TaskRun must match up in terms of name and type with the input_vars of the associated TaskDef. This mirrors how the arguments to a function invocation in programming must match the method signature.

For a TASK NodeRun, the output of the NodeRun (for use with Variable mutations) is determined by the output of the first successful TaskAttempt.

TaskRun Status

A TaskRun can be in any of the following statuses:

  • TASK_SCHEDULED: It has been scheduled but a Task Worker has not yet
  • TASK_RUNNING: A Task Worker has received the Task but not yet reported the result.
  • TASK_SUCCESS: The TaskRun was completed 🙂
  • TASK_FAILED: An unexpected error or exception was encountered.
  • TASK_TIMEOUT: The Task Worker did not report a result for the TaskRun within the allotted timeout.
  • TASK_OUTPUT_SERIALIZING_ERROR: The Task Worker executed the TaskRun but was unable to serialize the result when reporting back to the LH Server.
  • TASK_INPUT_VAR_SUB_ERROR: The LH Server was unable to calculate the input variables for the TaskRun, or the Task Worker was unable to deserialize them and call the actual function.

Retries and TaskAttempt

A TaskRun has a max_attempts field which is used to determine the number of retries for a TaskRun. This is determined by the TaskNode structure.


Multiple different Nodes and even different WfSpecs can use the same TaskDef. Since retries are configured at the TaskNode level, it is possible for two TaskRuns of the same TaskDef to have a different maximum number of retries.

When a TaskRun is first created, a TaskAttempt is also created. If the TaskAttempt comes back with a TASK_SUCCESS status, then great! The TaskRun is completed, and if it is associated with a TASK NodeRun, then the output of the NodeRun is just the output of the TaskAttempt.

A TaskAttempt is considered retryable if it ends with the following states:

  • TASK_FAILED, denoting an exception.
  • TASK_TIMEOUT, denoting that the Task Worker did not report the result of the TaskAttempt in time.

If a TaskAttempt is retryable and there are sufficient retries left, then another TaskAttempt within the same TaskRun is created. If any of the retry TaskAttempts succeed, then the output of the TASK NodeRun is the output of the first successful TaskAttempt. If all fail, then NodeRun fails.


A TaskRun is considered interruptible if its current TaskAttempt is interruptible. A TaskAttempt is interruptible if it is in any of the following statuses:


A TaskAttempt in the TASK_SCHEDULED or TASK_RUNNING state is not considered interruptible; the associated ThreadRun will remain in the HALTING state until the TaskAttempt is reported (either success or failure) or is timed out.

For more information, see the ThreadRun Lifecycle documentation.