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Node and NodeRun


The LittleHorse Workflow SDK's abstract away most of the details of Nodes and NodeRuns; however, the curious reader will find this information quite interesting. If you just want to get started, you could skip this section and read the examples in the developer guide.

Just like WfSpecs and WfRuns, Nodes and NodeRuns are another example of the Metadata/Execution duality in LittleHorse. A Node is a single step in a ThreadSpec, and a NodeRun is a running (or already-run) instance of that Node.

If a NodeRun fails for any reason (for example, a TASK node times out) and there is no registered Failure Handler (see Exception Handling section), then the ThreadRun also fails.

In the API

A NodeRun is a LittleHorse API Object. Since a WfRun might have hundreds (or even thousands) of NodeRuns, the API allows you to access NodeRuns separately from their associated WfRuns.

The NodeRun has three-part composite ID:

  1. The wfRunId, which is the ID of the associated WfRun.
  2. The threadRunNumber, which is the ID of the associated ThreadRun.
  3. The position. Each ThreadRun consists of an ordered list of NodeRuns; the position is the individual NodeRun's index in that list.

Note that, unlike a NodeRun, a Node is not an Object in the LittleHorse API. Since a Node belongs to a ThreadSpec, and a ThreadSpec belongs to a WfSpec, you can view a Node by getting its WfSpec.


Each Node in the ThreadSpec (except for the EXIT nodes) has a list of one or more outgoing edges.

When a ThreadRun arrives at a Node in its ThreadSpec, a NodeRun for that Node is instantiated. Once the NodeRun is completed, then the ThreadRun advances to the Node pointed to by the outgoing edges.

A NOP node may have more than one outgoing edge. In that case, the outgoing edges may have a Condition attached to them (see the Conditional Branching section). The first outgoing edge whos Condition evaluates to true is activaed, and the ThreadRun advances to the Node pointed to by that edge.

Note that there are no restrictions on cycles in LittleHorse, except that a Node may not have outgoing edges pointing directly to itself.

Node Types

A Node (and its associated NodeRun) can be any of the following types. Note that when using the SDK's to build your workflows, you may not need to review this information.


The ENTRYPOINT node is equivalent to the entrypoint ThreadSpec and ThreadRun. When a ThreadRun is instantiated, it starts at the ENTRYPOINT node and proceeds to the node pointed to by the entrypoint node's outgoing edges.


The EXIT node marks the end of a ThreadSpec/ThreadRun. Noramlly, when a ThreadRun reaches an EXIT node, the ThreadRun is marked as completed.

In many programming languages, you can explicitly throw or raise an exception, which causes that thread in your program to fail. You can achieve the same effect in LittleHorse by assigning a Failure to an EXIT node (in the Java SDK, this is accomplished via WorkflowThread::fail()). See the WfRun Lifecycle section for more information.

If a ThreadRun arrives at an EXIT node while it still has running child ThreadRuns, the parent ThreadRun will not complete until all of its children have completed or failed. If one of the children threads fail, then the parent ThreadRun will also fail and throw a CHILD_FAILED exception.


The TASK node is the most common Node type in LittleHorse. As the name implies, the TASK node specifies a TaskDef to execute when the ThreadRun arrives at that node. The resulting NodeRun schedules a Task Run that must be executed by your Task Worker clients.

A TASK node has a series of input variables which correspond to the input variables of the node's TaskDef. These are passed to the Task Worker.

The output of a TASK node is simply the value returned by the Task Function called by the Task Worker. It may be any arbitrary Variable Value.

Every TASK node must have a configured timeout. The recommended timeout is 20 seconds; lower or higher values are acceptable. See the Developer Guide for information about how to set Timeouts.


An EXTERNAL_EVENT node specifies an ExternalEventDef. When a ThreadRun reaches an EXTERNAL_EVENT node, the ThreadRun will halt until an External Event of the specified ExternalEventDef and associated with the correct WfRun arrives.

Once the External Event arrives, the ExternalEvent object in the API will show that it has been "claimed" by the specific NodeRun, and the NodeRun will complete. The output of the NodeRun is simply the payload of the External Event.


A SPAWN_THREAD Node refers to a ThreadSpec, and when a ThreadRun arrives at that SPAWN_THREAD node, the specified ThreadSpec is instantiated as a child ThreadRun.

The SPAWN_THREAD Node optionally specifies input variables for the child ThreadRun.

The output of the SPAWN_THREAD node run is an INT Variable Value representing the ID of the resulting Child ThreadRun.


A WAIT_FOR_THREAD node takes as input the ID of a specific Child ThreadRun. When a ThreadRun arrives at a WAIT_FOR_THREAD node, it blocks until the specified Child ThreadRun also completes.

If the Child ThreadRun fails, then the WAIT_FOR_THREAD NODE_RUN also fails.

A WAIT_FOR_THREAD node run has no output.

NOP Node

A NOP Node is a no-op. It is used by the SDK's to make control flow simpler to understand.


A SLEEP Node takes as input either a time duration (measured in seconds) or a timestamp, and causes the ThreadRun to wait until the specified amount of time or timestamp passes.

Node Outputs

Every NodeRun produces some output. The output is any VariableValue, and can be used to mutate any Variables in the scope of the ThreadRun.

TaskRun Lifecycle

The TaskRun is the "Sub Node Run" for a TASK node. The status lifecycle is as follows:

  • STARTING: indicates that the ThreadRun has arrived at this node, and the Task is scheduled.
  • RUNNING: indicates that the Task has been dispatched to a Task Worker.
  • COMPLETED: indicates that the Task has been completed.
  • ERROR: indicates that the Task is timed out, or the Task Worker reported an error.