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Exception Handling

When things go wrong, LittleHorse has got you covered. That's where Failure Handling comes into play.

The 0.5.0 release introduced a new value for the LHStatus enum (used in WfRun, ThreadRun, and NodeRun): LHStatus.EXCEPTION.

What Are Failures?

A Failure in LittleHorse is like an Exception in programming. It means that A Bad Thing® has happened. However, we should note that LittleHorse is at its core a Workflow Engine. Therefore, there are two potential sources of Failure:

  1. A technical process, such as an external API call, fails.
  2. Something goes wrong at the business process level; for example, a credit card has insufficient funds.

Exception Handling in LittleHorse is a fully separate concept from TaskRun retries.


Release 0.3.0 introduced the EXCEPTION status to LittleHorse (it was made stable in 0.5.0). This was because initial feedback from users was that when a WfRun, ThreadRun, or NodeRun is in the ERROR status, it is difficult to know whether the failure was caused by a technical outage or by business logic. Often, we want to handle such cases differently.

The EXCEPTION status fills this gap by offering a status to represent a specific business process failure. The user provides the name of the EXCEPTION and must explicitly throw such an exception by calling WorkflowThread#fail() in any WfSpec SDK.

This is similar to throw new FooException() in java.

Technical ERRORs

An ERROR in LittleHorse means that some technical process has failed. Causes of an ERROR include:

  • A TaskRun timeout.
  • An unexpected exception thrown by the Task Worker when processing a TaskRun.
  • Casting errors when attempting to serialize inputs for a TaskRun.
  • Casting errors when processing the outputs of a NodeRun.

The WfSpec SDK does not surface the ability to throw an ERROR; however, the SDK does allow users to catch and handle ERRORs in the same manner as EXCEPTIONs.

Failure Names

Every Failure (either EXCEPTION or ERROR) has a name. This is useful for two reasons:

  1. It allows users to define different handlers for specific Failure types.
  2. It provides better visibility into just what went wrong in a WfRun.

All ERROR names are in UPPER_UNDERSCORE_CASE, and they are pre-defined by LittleHorse. They are as follows:

  • CHILD_FAILURE: A Child ThreadRun failed with an uncaught ERROR (not EXCEPTION).

  • VAR_SUB_ERROR: Failed to assign an input variable (whether to a NodeRun of some sort or a child ThreadRun).

  • VAR_MUTATION_ERROR: Failed mutating the value of a variable.

  • USER_TASK_CANCELLED: A UserTaskRun was cancelled.

  • TIMEOUT: Some timeout occurred. Usually, this is thrown by a TaskRun.

  • TASK_FAILURE: Some uncaught exception was thrown by the Task Worker while executing a TaskRun.

  • INTERNAL_ERROR: An unknown problem occurred. This is exceedingly rare.

  • VAR_ERROR: This is a super-type of VAR_SUB_ERROR and VAR_MUTATION_ERROR

  • TASK_ERROR: This is a super-type of TIMEOUT and TASK_FAILURE.

In contrast, all EXCEPTION names are in dns-subdomain-format, and they are specified by you, the user!

Failure names are important both when handling and throwing Failures, so stay tuned.

Failure Content

In programming, exceptions often have some content or values to them. For example, the grpc StatusRuntimeException in Java contains a Code and a String description. Likewise, a Failure in LittleHorse has content in the form of a single VariableValue, which is of type NULL if there is no content. Any Failure Handler can access the content of the failure using the special reserved INPUT variable.

Handling Failures

How can you recover when things go wrong? That's where Failure Handler's come into play. In programming, you can define a block of code (exception handler) that runs to handle a certain exception. In LittleHorse, you specify a ThreadSpec that runs when a Failure of a certain type occurs.

There are three methods on the WorkflowThread which allow this to happen:

  1. WorkflowThread#handleException() is used to handle business failures (EXCEPTION).
  2. WorkflowThread#handleError() is used to handle technical failures (ERROR).
  3. WorkflowThread#handleAnyFailure() registers a handler for any Failure, whether it's an EXCEPTION or ERROR.

For handleException and handleError, you can optionally pass in a specific name of the Exception or Error that you wish to handle.


You can throw an exception using the WorkflowThread#fail() method.